Original Release: EA, 1995, Genesis
The final Road Rash of the 16-bit era wasn’t much more than a clone of the previous game with new tracks.
Road Rash 3 (Genesis, EA, 1995)
Where to Buy: Amazon
How to Emulate: coming soon!
Review by: C. M0use

Road Rash 3 takes you out of the U.S. for the first time to races worldwide, and adds a roster of 15 bikes and 8 weapons, but it’s still just the same old gameplay engine from the prequel. In fact, if they didn’t re-color the biker sprites, you really wouldn’t have much way of telling you weren’t just playing Road Rash 2. This is just going to the well one too many times … I found the game at least mildly entertaining at first, but the exact same game 3 times in a row with no major improvements or changes is just too much for me. Good thing this was the last one for the 16-bit systems.