Original Release: Hasbro, 1999, Nintendo 64
The second crack at Monopoly in the 64-bit console era focuses more on letting you customize game rules than on its presentation.
Monopoly (Nintendo 64, Hasbro, 1999)
Where to Buy: Amazon
How to Emulate: coming soon!
Review by: C. M0use

Monopoly for the NES was one of the best board game conversions ever … this one doesn’t have the same charm, but it is solid. It looks colorful and cute, it moves along at a good clip, there’s no major issues. If I have to complain about something, I’d like some better music than the tepid techno that starts up on the title screen and just continues on into the game … and the icons have that plasticy ugly Donkey Kong Country pre-rendered look to them, though the animated character models look better once you actually get into the game.

I guess if you want a party game version of Monopoly and this one is on the cheap for an actual console or a digital download, it’s worth going for. It does allow you to tinker around with the rules quite a bit, and the computer can propose trades as well as allowing for more complex swaps than the NES classic did. Better than that 2012 PC release from Popcap anyway.