Original Release: Konami, 1986, Arcade
Other Releases: NES (1987), PC / Amiga / C64 (1990), Wii (2007)
Konami’s second arcade basketball game eventually found its audience in a big way with a more player-friendly NES port.
Double Dribble (NES, Konami, 1987)
Where to Buy: Amazon
How to Emulate: coming soon!
Review by: C. M0use

It really shows you how far gaming has come in twenty years when you consider that Double Dribble was considered a revolutionary breakthrough in its day. That crappy flickery animation of Silver Man dunking the ball was like the coolest thing ever at one point. Unfortunately Silver Man’s basketball career went nowhere after this, and he now dances for change at San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf.

The game has definitely not aged very well though, and outside of nostalgia tripping I don’t think it’s going to be worth it for anyone. It’s just too limited. Only four teams, no real-life players, and extremely simplistic gameplay that is too easy to dominate means it’s not much fun for very long. Probably good for a nostalgia trip only.
Exciting Basket (Famicom Disk, Konami, 1987)
Where to Buy: ebay
How to Emulate: coming soon!
Review by: C. M0use

I’m far from the world’s foremost expert on Double Dribble but I don’t see much of anything in the way of difference between this Famicom Disk port and the West’s NES port. The biggest thing is the use of the Disk system’s extra sound channel for more robust music and an extra in-game song, so I guess technically this might be the superior port if you don’t mind a little disk-flipping.
