Original Release: Nintendo, 1987, NES
Other Releases: Arcade (1991), Wii (2008)
Nintendo’s prototype of Mario Golf was a little rough around the edges.
NES Open Tournament Golf (NES, Nintendo, 1987)
Where to Buy: Amazon
How to Emulate: coming soon!
Review by: C. M0use

This was basically the precursor of the Mario Golf games, naturally much more primitive (even more so than the Gameboy Color one), and I really don’t like it. You’re basically stuck golfing as a sort of odd looking Mario in pink and black striped overalls, whether you like the lug or not.
The direction you hit the ball in and club selection is basically handled automatically, though you can change them if you want … but there’s no trajectory meter as there is in later games so it’s pretty much total guesswork as to where the ball will wind up. Basically your participation in this one is limited to stopping the sliding power bar at the right time … but the thing swings around so wildly even that modest task is hard to keep up with.
I don’t like the play control, there’s little actual gameplay, the graphics are ugly and the music is annoying.