Original Release: Nintendo, 1994, SNES
An unconventional racer that seems to take a bit of inspiration from Sonic the Hedgehog.
Uniracers (SNES, Nintendo, 1995)
Where to Buy: eBay
How to Emulate: SNES Emulation Guide
Review by: C. M0use

Uniracers is a neat little game, definitely unique and can be fun at times, but there’s a good reason why you’ve probably never heard of it. It’s pretty simple and gets old pretty fast.
Basically you play as these sort of anthropomorphic unicycles. The gameplay is best described as “Sonic the Hedgehog loop-de-loop levels without enemies meets Skate or Die 2”, I think. You basically just race forward and navigate the loops and twists and whatnot, but to gain speed you have to do tricks like flipping in midair using the shoulder buttons.
There are straight-up races and then there’s like a skate park mode where you just have a big bowl that you launch from and do tricks. It has its moments and 2 players can have some fun with it, but I really question whether it’s worth $8 or whatever they’re charging for SNES downloads now.