Original Release: Hudson, 1987, Turbografx 16
Other Releases: Wii (2006), PSP / PS3 (2010), Wii U (2014)
A basic turismo racing game that was among the launch titles in Japan for the PC Engine / Turbografx
Victory Run (Turbografx 16, Hudson, 1989)
Where to Buy: eBay
How to Emulate: coming soon!
Review by: C. M0use

Victory Run is a pretty blatant knockoff of Sega’s Outrun. It does a good job with emulating the engine and feel of that game, but adds an ill-advised “repair system” that is trying. At the outset of each race you have to stock repair parts, of which you can carry only a finite quantity. Parts are destroyed way too easily on the track, being knocked out if you simply don’t shift gears fast enough or edge off the track a little bit.
Unlike Outrun the music here is completely forgettable, no Magical Sound Shower or Passing Breeze to remember the game by … the car doesn’t bounce entertainingly when you crash either, nor is there gratuitous babeage in the passenger seat.
With F-Zero and the Mario Kart games available on the Virtual Console I see no reason to blow money on this one.