Original Release: D3 Publisher, 2000, PlayStation
Other Releases: PS3/PSP (2014)
A cartoony and simplistic boxing game in D3’S budget line that retailed for about $10 upon release, it’s debatable if it was even worth that amount.
Boxing (PS1, D3 Publisher, 2000)
Where to Buy: eBay
How to Emulate: Coming soon!
Review by: C. M0use

D3’s budget boxing title for the PS1 is an extremely simplistic game with goofball munchkin characters. Unfortunately it’s not even up to the standards of games like Billiards, which at least delivered a decently competent simulation of the sport; this is just plain garbage.

To give you an idea, you only use the X and Square buttons; “block” and “punch” respectively. There are multiple punch types, done through Street Fighter move inputs for the most part. The most important aspect of this is that each character has a Super Punch that they can bust out without warning at any time, which the computer will inevitably do to you if you’re trying to fight straight up. Catch two of these anywhere in a match and the second puts you down for good every time. So you’re basically forced to learn the super punch and spam it yourself to win matches.

The characters are also absolutely bizarre, and they certainly didn’t break the bank on the game’s art. The first guy you can unlock is a black dude who sucks on a pacifier and crawls around like a baby … which is just so off the wall I can’t even tell if it was meant to be racist.
