Original Release: Nintendo, 1988, Famicom
Rushed out just a few months after the first game, this title switches styles (possibly developed concurrently by another team) and asks you to put on the 3D goggles
Famicom Grand Prix 2 (Famicom, Nintendo, 1988)
Where to Buy: ebay
How to Emulate: coming soon!
Review by: C. M0use

Nintendo’s second in the forgotten Mario-themed racing series changes the style entirely and essentially rips off Outrun, down to the branching paths you choose at the end of each race segment and the timer system. It does add some little touches to the formula, though: manual gear shifting, occasional bumps in the road that launch you in the air, and a damage meter that can only be repaired by pickup items or very infrequent pit stops.

It was also one of the few titles meant to showcase the 3D goggles peripheral for the Famicom Disk and doesn’t have a non-3D mode, it’s playable without but definitely a bit eye-rapey.
