Original Release: Fatlus, 2014, PC
A simple but nifty little fan-made kart racer that incorporates characters and powers from Persona 3 and 4
Persona 4: Racing All Afternoon (PC, Fatlus, 2014)
Where to Buy: Freeware
Review by: C. M0use

This little fan-made racing title serves as a proof-of-concept that a Persona kart racing game could work. The actual action is even simpler than genre father Super Mario Kart, it’s like if kart racing was first attempted on the Sega Master System. Nevertheless it’s basically fun and pretty well made, if simple and kinda lacking in things to do.

Despite what the title indicates, it actually mashes up characters from Persona 3 and 4. They get their own cute little chibi kart sprites, then you’re off to the racetrack. Well, actually you can also select a persona for each character, which modifies their base stats.
The tracks are very simple and don’t have much for sharp curves or any kind of complex obstacles. Most of the game is about picking up and deploying weapons, and thus I found that “offroad” and acceleration stats are probably the best ones to max (I had the best time with Mitsuru with an appropriate persona by far). You’re forever getting hit by someone’s unavoidable lightning and driven off the road.

Aside from just doing “free races” there also doesn’t seem to be anything to do but a short list of achievements (stuff like “use the same weapon five times in a race”). So it isn’t gonna hold your attention for a long time but it’s cute, well-made, and the use of Persona music is particularly good.