Original Release: SlappyHappy2000, 2024, PC
A simple but creative “goofy golf” game that feels like a combination of something from the Windows 3.1 Microsoft Entertainment Packs with 2000s Flash game culture
Uncanny Cat Golf (PC, SlappyHappy2000, 2024)
Where to Buy: Freeware during pre-launch state, download at Itch.io
Review by: C. M0use

Uncanny Cat Golf comes out of left field making two things Great Again that would have appeared to have been dead and buried – 2D putting-focused mini-golf games and Newgrounds-style Flash freeware of the 00s. It’s a proper download rather than an actual browser game but it has that same sort of vibe, mixing classic cat GIFs of the ages with Wojak memes amidst a game that actually has some original ideas and is fun to play.

The gameplay concept is basically “mini-golf holes, but increasingly wacky and wild, and also Evil Otto is slowly chasing you around every hole.” You must guide Uncanny Cat to the hole in a minimal amount of strokes, but Canny Cat is floating around slowly honing in on him and will ruin your whole game with a jumpscare if it makes contact. For the early going the game focuses on minimizing your strokes on more conventional holes, but later on you’re given generous amounts to stay within a good rating as you’re plied with all kinds of obstacles and puzzle elements.

With its slapdash but charming style, surprisingly good soundtrack, and surprisingly creative and challenging selection of holes, Uncanny Cat Golf is kinda like the gaming equivalent of a shitcoin that takes off to the moon. And it’s still technically only in pre-launch, I’d buy stonk in this game if it was possible.