Original Release: Wahoo Studios, 2004, PlayStationOther Releases: PS3 (2009) A very simple “backyard soccer” game that tries to emulate a bunch of kids casually playing. XS Junior League Soccer (PS1, Wahoo Studios, 2004) Where to Buy: Amazon How to Emulate: coming soon! Usually for a few years after a console’s “unofficial” death (when the next…
Author: admin
Original Release: Psygnosis, 1995, PlayStation / PCOther Releases: Saturn (1996) A techno-future magnetic track racer that took some inspiration from F-Zero. Wipeout (PS1, Psygnosis, 1995) Where to Buy: Amazon How to Emulate: coming soon! Wipeout’s closest analogue is F-Zero, but it looks and plays most similarly to F-Zero X, which it actually predates by about…
Original Release: Namco, 1993, ArcadeOther Releases: PlayStation (1994) One of the key racing games in establishing “drifting” mechanics in the genre. Ridge Racer (PS1, Namco, 1994) Where to Buy: Amazon How to Emulate: coming soon! Ridge Racer was the original PS1 pack-in game, and began a trend of a Ridge Racer game being available at…
Original Release: Sony, 1999, PlayStationOther Releases: PSP / PS3 (2007) With original developer Camelot poached by Nintendo, Sony turned to Clap Hanz to take over the IP and the initial transition was a bit rough. Hot Shots Golf 2 (PS1, Sony, 1999) Where to Buy: Amazon How to Emulate: coming soon! Second verse, same as…
Original Release: Camelot, 1997, PlayStation A pioneering golf title developed by Shining Force creators Camelot and scored by Motoi Sakuraba. Hot Shots Golf (PS1, Camelot, 1997) Where to Buy: Amazon How to Emulate: coming soon! Camelot was known exclusively for the Shining Force series prior to this game, so a casual golf game was kind…
Original Release: SouthPeak, 1999, PlayStationOther Releases: PC / Game Boy Color (2000) This Dukes racer suffers from janky and sloppy gameplay but does an admirable job replicating the look and feel of the TV show within the PS1 confines. Dukes of Hazzard: Racing for Home (PS1, SouthPeak, 1999) Where to Buy: Amazon How to Emulate:…
Original Release: Ascii, 1998, PlayStation A basic billiards game with anime stylings and a “visual novel” component. Backstreet Billiards (PS1, Ascii, 1998) Where to Buy: Play-Asia How to Emulate: coming soon! Backstreet Billiards is a solid but pretty standard game of pool paired with a mild “visual novel” element in the single-player story mode. By…
Original Release: Sony, 1996, PlayStation For the most part, the follow-up to 1Xtreme adds a pack of new levels. 2Xtreme (PS1, Sony, 1996) Where to Buy: eBay How to Emulate: coming soon! 2xtreme came out only a little under a year after 1xtreme, so it shares the exact same engine – if there’s any refinement…
Original Release: Sony, 1995, PlayStationOther Releases: PC (1996) Gonzo street racing with some passing similarities to Road Rash, but no motorized vehicles. 1Xtreme (PS1, Sony, 1995) Where to Buy: eBay How to Emulate: coming soon! ESPN Extreme Games (later renamed 1xtreme for a re-release after the ESPN license expired) is sort of like Road Rash…
Original Release: Apogee, 1994, PC A PC knockoff of Super Mario Kart that turned out to be fairly decent. Wacky Wheels (PC, Apogee, 1994) Where to Buy: eBay How to Emulate: DOS Emulation Guide You would think Apogee would have released this game as freeware by now, but if you visit the website they are…